Bridget had fallen asleep on the way to the the Nordic Center, but we thought we could get her into the Chariot and that she'd fall asleep again. No such luck. Timothy started wailing when we put him in the Chariot, which made Bridget join in as well. Matt tried to ski with them for a few minutes to settle them down, but we could see it wasn't going to be the idyllic spring skiing experience we had hoped for.
Matt took the kids home and graciously let me stay for a ski on my own. Although it was windy, once across the golf course it was sheltered and the snow was amazing -several inches of powder made for a floating on the clouds feel. Without kids in tow, I decided to ski some of my favorite trails: Abenaki Crossing, Coronary Hills and Nancy Barton. Abenaki had a most wonderful view of Mount Washington. Coronary Hills isn't as bad as the name might suggest if you follow it from east to west, with a long, winding downhill to reward you for a little bit of work to get up there. You have to cross Route 302 to get over to Nancy Barton, so I wouldn't normally take the Chariot over there, but today would be a perfect opportunity to ski the winding trail that meanders along the River.
My disapointment at not being able to ski with my husband and kids was lessened when I saw a sign outside of the Nordic Center that read: "Due to the amazing snow conditions, Bretton Woods Nordic will remain open for another week!" Hopefully we'll be able to make our picnic sojourn happen next weekend.
I got out for a Nordic ski again on my own on Sunday before Bridget and I attended a pool party at the Rosebrook Recreation Center. Although it was still cold for the end of April, the sun was absolutely brilliant and the snow was perfect. It was great to see so many other parents out there pulling kids in the pulks that the Nordic Center rents as well as other Chariots. Afterwards, Bridget thorougly enjoyed herself at the pool party, splashing with friends and relishing a piece of birthday cake.
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