Now, more family adventures: we had been looking forward to taking some extended family members skiing with us at Christmas for quite some time. But as excited as Bridget was to ski with her seven-year-old cousin, Anya, I was cautiously optimistic. Just like the build-up before a big family holiday, I knew that things could go wonderfully, just as planned, or things could fall apart, like less than perfect weather or one of the children having an off day. If Bridget doesn’t have a wonderful time skiing on a particular day, we can always go in and try another time. But when you travel long distances for a short stay, there’s a lot more at stake. I would hate to have one bad experience ruin the chances for Anya to fall in love with skiing like we have.
Luckily, the sun seemed to be shining on us that day. Anya and my sister-in-law, Eva, were going to be joining us. Anya had skied once before with us last year and Eva hadn’t skied since 1989. The folks at the Bretton Woods Rental Shop started us off right. After getting their information into the computer system, the staff there quickly got them each set up with rental skis and helmets.
In the time that it took us to ski down with the two girls, Eva had done two runs and was ready for more. We suggested she try a run down Range View – a wide, open trail with a gentle slope which is great for beginners. So while I took Bridget and Anya in for a brownie break
Back out on the magic carpet, the girls already seemed more comfortable on their skis and more independent. Eva returned with a glow on her face, raving about the views of the Presidential Range and already clamoring to ski again another time, ready to make plans to ski at their local hill.
What a wonderful surprise. I hope they come back to ski with us again soon.